March 30, 2008


Tanner made sure Grandpa Con had all the necessities of life while in the hospital.

Max sharing a popsicle with Gramps
They let us bring in Chloe and she was really happy to see Con.
The gang on Friday, March 21, 2008
Conner saying good bye for today

March 24, 2008

Spring is Here!

Happy Easter.
We celebrated Easter in a little different way. IN THE HOSPITAL! Con had back surgery on Thursday. I just want to say Thank You to all of the doctors, nurses and staff of St. Luke's in Twin Falls. Our stay was a little longer than expected and they made sure that we were comfortable. The grandkids came and made sure that Grandpa Con was okay. They brought him his M&M's, Mt.Dew, cookie basket from Jil's and Get Well ballons. Thanks kids for all your love and concern. We love you!

March 18, 2008

Grandparenting Thought for the Week

"Nothing is more
enjoyable than Grandchildren
fighting over your lap."

March 17, 2008

What's in your HOOP Tag?

Here's how it works:

1. Show your project.
2. Let us know where the pattern came from.

Kassie Moen, she designs for Cedarberry Stitches. This is her Stackables. All you need is one frame and then you change each month.

3. Why do you like to stitch?

I stitch to relax and to make adorable gifts for my girls: Heather, Mindy, Chalet, Kona, Hailey and Taygan.

4. Tag 4 gals and watch for the cute projects!

I tag Patrice, Dedria, Kona and Chalet

March 15, 2008

Shamrock Shuffle

Well, we did our first run! After Chalet found out she had MS and a big hole in her heart, which is a hole no more, she said that she was going to starting running. I told her that I would run her first race too. Of course she ran the 5 K and I did the 1 mile. Some one had to stay with the kids!!!! tee hee. I did run the 1 miler and I did finish but more important Chalet finished her first 5 K and under the thime that she wanted to. Sis, you are awesome and I will be there again for you.

So, here we are at the beginning to the race TEAM HAYCOCK!

Cody and the kids. Tanner thought that i t would be cool to ride the race.

Grandma Vicki starting out strong. Cracker was there to take all the pics. Thanks Cracker:)

I am even beating Cody at this point.

Chalet and her good friend, Teri and running partner getting warmed up.
-Notice the beautiful weather -

Conner at the start. He ran like the wind. So much for me staying with the kids
Taygan and her friend Taya. She had Taya she didn't need any watching.
Can you see the TEAM HAYCOCK green t-shirt and then notice where I am. I could not

believe how fast Conner was to the corner.

Conner coming across the finish time. He finished in 8 minutes and something.

The last 1/4 mile I was really talking to myself, remembering what
Mindy had said FINISH STRONG.

Here I am at the finish line and if you look reallly close you will see that both of

my feet are off the ground at THE SAME TIME.

I DID IT and under 14 minutes. Not to bad for an older lady:)

Do you see any kids? Where the heck are they?

Tanner was enjoying his ride until----

Cody made him get out and run the last little bit. Way to go Tanner! Conner coming across the finish line. Way to go Conner!

Max you are a super trooper! Taygan and Taya at the finish with smiles on their faces.
Taygan being the big sis.
Conner enjoying some of those post treats
Chalet and Teri rounding the corner.

Chalet needed a little encouragmenmt and I was there to encourage.

Chalet, you can do it keep running!

The girls about to finish. Keep it up. You can do it!!!
Almost there!
I don't know what she is thinking but I can quess.
What in the heck did I just do?

Me and Tanner at the awards. I still have a smile on my face,
but will someone hlep me up when the time comes.

How can anyone finish last and still get a first place ribbon?

First place in the 50- 59 division!

Me and the gang.

Thanks kids for letting me run. It was an experience that I will never forget!


March 3, 2008

The Big Birthday Bash!

This is our big boy Max and he really didn't care that there was a party going on.
Big brother Conner looking on to see the goods!
Oh boy, shorts from Grandma Vicki and Grandpa Con.


You tricked me Chalet.

( It was a swimming suit that Taygan picked out when

she went shopping with Cracker and Chalet)

Taygan was pretty shy when we sang to her.

Tanner was like what in the heck is the problem