May 26, 2009

I just have to show off my Chloe pup. She loves to travel with us, but when she is tried and wants to go to sleep, she finds a place and says leave me alone.

She could not figure out the fish in the live well. She really wanted to just get in with the BIG one.

Con was putting the bait on his hook which was a little fish, a min-no, and Chloe wanted to play with it.

She will sleep anywhere, anytime. WE love her!

Fun in the Park

On Sunday of the Memorial Weekend, we went to church and then headed to West Yellowstone and the Park. The wildlife were out in full. We saw the bison, elk, antelope, geese, grizzly bear and a black bear. In the picture below, the grizzly is in the top left corner, a little brown spot. the black bear was at the top of a mountain so I didn't even try for a picture.

Old Faithful was faithful again. No matter how many times I witness this wonder, I really do enjoy it and can't even imagine how the whole thing works.
And these animals are huge. There were plenty of new little ones wondering around.
My Bucket List for the weekend was complete and we ejoyed our friends, The Terry's. Thanks guys!

May 23, 2009

Bucket List

Bucket List for the weekend.
Camp fire
Catch a fish
Sit in the Sun
Well, I didn't catch a fish but the boys did and Brad had the biggest for the day. 8.8 Lbs, 27 inches. Con's was short just a little.

Pictures of Saturday and fishing

May 21, 2009

We're OFF

This is the snow drift at the cabin on the north side.

Hopefully we get to go fishing and sleep in the sun. Can't wait to smell the fresh air, sleep with the windows open, listen to the birds and just enjoy being in the mountains. Pictures to come. Have a safe weekend and remember to BUCKLE-UP!

May 16, 2009

Weekend in Logan

We went to Logan to help the kids with their big landscaping project.

Saturday we did their garden. Cody decided what needed to be done with the lawn and Con is coming back the first of the week to level the yard so they can get the yard in. They are going to do sod. Got to love it instant lawn for the dogs. The new thing I guess is planting your garden in planters off the ground. Actually, I saw this idea on Studio 5 last week and thought that it would work for Chalet. We have an in with a fencing company in Logan, so here is the finished project.

We went to Tanner, Taygan and Conner's soccer games. They finished up this weekend just in time to start baseball.

May 12, 2009

Yummy Recipe

I love German Chocolate Cake and pizza, so here is recipe to help that craving. New recipe for the week.
Thaw the rolls and roll out on a pizza pan leavinga lip on the edge to help spills of the pan.

German Chocolate Pizza

6 Rhodes Texas Rolls
1 cup chocolate chips
1 cup coconut
1 cup pecans
1 can of Eagle Brand Condensed Milk

Bake for 5 minutes at 400 degrees. Remove from oven and add the rest of the ingredients in layers ending with the condensed milk. Bake 20-25 minutes at 350 degree. Tip: Put a cookie sheet under the pizza pan to caught the drips and save on cleaning your oven. Yummy! Enjoy!

May 9, 2009

Mom Thoughts

A mother is a person who seeing there are only four pieces of pie for five people, promptly announces she never did care for pie.
~Tenneva Jordan

How to Be a Mean Mother

A mean mother never allows candy or sweets to take the place of a well balanced meal.

A mean mother insists on knowing where her children are at all times, who their friends are and what they do.

A mean mother breaks the child labor law by making her children work -
washing dishes, making beds, learning to cook and doing other cruel and unpleasant chores.

A mean mother makes life miserable for offspring by insisting that they always tell the truth.

A mean mother has teenagers who are wiser and more sensible.

A mean mother can smile with secret delight and pride when she hears her grandchildren call their parents "mean".

What the world needs now are more Mean Mothers!

Author Unknown

Being a Mom

Kids to wake,
Places to take,
Laundry to shake,
Fix a cake,
Appointments to make,
Garden to rake,
Dinner to take,
For goodness sake!
You deserve a break!
Being a mom is no
Piece of cake!
Happy Mothers to All of you Moms!
(Found on KSL Studio 5)

May 7, 2009

Stay Home and WHAT!

This last weekend, we bought wheat (for storage), and a wheat grinder. So, naturally Con suggested that I should make somehting. Me make bread! Chalet to the rescue. She took a Bosch baking class and got a wonderful, easy and fast recipe. So, yes I stayed home and made bread and it really turned out pretty good. I gave a loaf to a friend so the reveiws are still out. I am going to make all the kids a loaf to take home this weekend. Leave a comment and I will send you the easy recipe. YUMMY!

May 3, 2009

Landscaping for Fun

Cody and Chalet are busy trying to get some landscaping done. We went to the nursery and picked out some fun perinnals for a section in the front yard. Chalet says that she has a brown thumb so Cody is the green thumb.

Late Night Project

Well, after a recital, a morning at school, soccer in the rain, landscaping at Chalet's, and graduation , we found time to make a couple fo projects. This is a crayon holder and a small handbag. Super easy and Fun!

Saturday Events

Saturday, Cody graduated from Utah State(GO AGGIES). It poured rain all day long. Max loved carrying my umbrella. He is such a good helper. Cody is in the back ground
The HAPPY family. Mindy is holding up Tanner's head. He slept thru the whole thing.
The girls with Max helping out, again.

We are proud of Cody and his accomplishments. It took him a few years but he stuck to it and finished a big goal.

How many kids get to walk with their dad at his college graduation. Way to go Dad!

Tanner Special Day

Tanner is my little MAN. Friday was his Special Day at his school.

Chalet brought Daisey for Tanner's Show and Tell. He loves Daisey.

Tanner is always a good helper.
Thanks Tanner for letting me come to school for YOUR Special Day

May 1, 2009

Spring Activities

Thursday night was Taygan's Spring Concert for TaVaci Performing School of Art. I didn't get there in time to tell her "Break A Leg" but she knew that I was there. She is such a cute little performer.

Taygan is in the second column, second girl up.