August 13, 2010

Fair Time

Well it's fair time again and the feel of fall is in the air, at least in Cache County. It was a walk down memory lane for Con and I. Cody's oldest, Conner, is following in the Haycock tradition of showing a lamb. It was his first year in 4-H. He had a beautiful blue ( we call the black in the old days), anyway, he was a good one. Weighing in at 104. This judge really liked this lamb and kept coming back to Conner, feeling and poking and always watching Conner. I think he was checking the size of lamb to the size of kid. The tall kid right next to Conner in this picture won the class with the boy with the other "blue" lamb in second and Conner in third.

He was beaming for ear to ear at the final three.

Conner with his winnings. Isn't he the cutest cowboy you have ever seen.

Grandpa Con explaining what all the poking and measuring is for to some of Conner friends.

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