July 6, 2011

Fair Time

Grandpa Con said he would walk home from 4-H meeting. It was laughter all the way.

This is Taygan's lamb.
Conner and Taygan are going to take sheep to the fair again this year. We were in Logan the weekend that they picked them out. Conner jumped right in and got just the one he wanted. Gage was right there to assist in anyway he could.
Conner jumped in and got the lamb he wanted
It's amazing what one year of experience does.
Conner's lamb
Now, Taygan on the other hand needed some help getting the right one. This is her first year and so she was a little shy at the process, but she had some good helpers. Her name was drawn out of the hat first to choose.
Grandpa tried to get her to pick out one of the little goats. She told Gramps that they were not sheep!

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